2011. december 30., péntek

Aula Orientalis 29/2 (2011)

A tartalomból:

Diego Barreyra, "The chronology of Zimri-Lim’s reign"

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, "KTU 1.82: Another Miscellaneous Conjuration/Anti-Witchcraft Text against Snakebite in Ugaritic"

Juan Luis Montero Fenollós et al., "Tell Qubr Abu al-’Atiq: A Middle Assyrian Fort in the Gorge of Khanuqa. 6th Season Report"

Jeremiah Peterson, "Nanna/Suen Convenes in the Divine Assembly as King"

Jordi Vidal, "La captura de tres militares de Biblos. Apuntes prosopográficos (2)"

Daniel Arnaud, "Deux dédicaces privées en babylonien du 1er millénaire"

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, "KTMW, his ‘soul’ and his funerary ‘chapel’"

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