2013. október 22., kedd

Könyvajánló (egyiptológia)

A. Azzoni: The Private Lives of Women in Persian Egypt. Eisenbrauns, 2013

U. Effland  -  A. Effland: Abydos. Tor zur ägyptischen Unterwelt. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Darmstad/Mainz 2013

E. Goulding: What did the Poor Take with Them? An investigation into Ancient Egyptian Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty grave assemblages of the non-elite from Qau, Badari, Matmar and Gurob. Golden House Publications, 2013.

Th. Schneider: Ancient Egypt Investigated: 101 Important Questions and Intriguing Answers, London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.

R. Schmitt - G. Vittmann: Iranisches Personennamenbuch, Band VIII: Iranische Namen in Ägyptischer Nebenüberlieferung, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013.

S. Voss: The history of the Cairo department of the DAI [German Archaeological Institute] in the field of tension of German political interests. Volume 1, 1881-1929. Verlag Marie Leidrof, 2013.

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