2014. október 21., kedd

A 8. ICH (IKH) aktái

Piotr Taracha (szerk.): Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology. Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011. Warsaw

A tartalom:
Selim F. Adalı – İlknur Taş, The umman-manda in the Hittite Texts

Rukiye Akdoğan – Ayşe Ersoy, Kahramanmaraş Müzesi’nde Bulunan Yapı-Adak Çivileri Çivilerinin Işiğinda Mama Şehrinin Lokalizasyonu

Silvia Alaura, The Sun-god’s Quadriga in the Prayers to the Sun-god for Appeasing an Angry Personal God (CTH 372-374) and its Mesopotamian Background

Boris Alexandrov, The Letters from Hanigalbat in the Boğazköy Archives

Mary Bachvarova, Hurro-Hittite Narrative Songs as a Bilingual Oral-Derived Genre

Juan Antonio Belmonte – A. César González García, Astral Symbolism and Time-Keeping in the Hittite Culture

Cyril Brosch, Beiträge zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik I: die Verbindung Place Word + arha und ihre Konstruktionen

Michele Cammarosano, Rejoicing in the Gods: the Verb dušk- and the Hittite Cheese Fighting

Anna Chrzanowska, Unerwünschte Nachbarschaft – Ereignisse an der nördlichen Grenze des Hatti-Reiches in der mittelhethitischen Zeit

Billie Jean Collins, Royal Co-option of a Popular Ritual: The Case of Hantitassu

Paola Cotticelli Kurras, Interaktion zwischen semantischen Verbalklassen und syntaktischen clusters

Lorenzo d’Alfonso, The Kingdom of Tarhuntassa: A Reassessment of its Timeline and Political Significance

Paola Dardano, Das hethitische Partizip – Eine Frage der Diathese?

Romina Della Casa, Symbolic Representations of the Sacred Space/Landscape in the Telepinu Myth

Niccolò Galmarini, The Festivals for Mount Puškurunuwa

José Virgilio García Trabazo, Hethitisch targummāe-: ein etymologischer Vorschlag

Federico Giusfredi, The Cuneiform Luwian Local Particles and the Obscure Particle -(V)r

A. César González García – Juan Antonio Belmonte, Astronomy and Landscape in Late Bronze Age Central Anatolia

Susanne Görke – Giulia Torri, Bau(-)Rituale! Zur Textgeschichte von CTH 413-415 und CTH 725-726

Manfred Hutter, Religious Traditions in Hupisna

Sylvia Hutter-Braunsar, Wettkämpfe in hethitischen Festritualen

Magdalena Kapełuś, Les descriptions du deuxième jour de grand rituel funéraire des rois hittites

Güngör Karauğuz, Hititler Döneminde Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da Bir Kent: Kalašma

Isabelle Klock-Fontanille, From Hattians to Hittites: Some Reflexions about Traces of Matrilinearity in Hittite Tradition

Adam Kryszeń, Methodology and the Problem of Hittite Geography

Martin Joachim Kümmel, The Conditioning for Secondary h in Hittite

Simona Lamante, Das dahanga: seine Struktur und kultische Bedeutung

Zheng Li, Hittite Diplomatic Texts? Remarks on the Nature of Some Hittite Treaty Texts

Jürgen Lorenz, Der hethitische König: Herr der tausend Feste?

Emilia Masson, The Mortuary Monument of Kuttamuwa/Kattamuwa: What Can We Learned?

Michel Mazoyer, Remarques sur l’infinitif hittite

H. Craig Melchert, Hittite išpar- “to spread out” and isparre/a- “to kick"

Patrick Maxime Michel, Hittite Cults in Emar

Jared L. Miller, Mursili II’s Prayer Concerning the Misdeeds and the Outstanding of Tawananna

Alice Mouton, Rituel de “boucs émissaires” en Anatolie hittite

Gerfrid G. W. Müller, Forensik und Fragmente

Raphaël Nicolle, Télipinu et le Soleil dans la mythologie hittite : « la manipulation » du Soleil

Rostislav Oreshko, The Strange Case of Dr. FRATER and Mr. DOMINUS: a Re-Consideration of the Evidence concerning Luvian nani-

Esma Öz, arhālum and unuššum in the Kültepe Tablets

İbrahim Murat Ozulu – Fazlı Engin Tombuş – Coşar Mustafa, Arkeolojik Alanların Araştırılmasında Görünürlük Analizinin Kullanılması. Ortaköy (Şapinuva) Örneği

Julie Patrier, Some Remarks on Food Preservation and Storage in Second Millennium Central Anatolia

Franca Pecchioli Daddi – Giulia Torri – Carlo Corti, The Survey in the Area of Uşaklı Höyük (Yozgat): Epigraphic Findings

Olga Popova, Le /wa/ dans l’écriture hittite : graphie, phonologie, influences extérieures

Esma Reyhan – İ. Murat Ozulu – Fazlı Engin Tombuş, Ortaköy-Şapinuva (Çorum) Arkeolojik Alani ve Yakın Çevresindeki Antik Yollarin Araştırılması

Hasan Ali Şahin, Koloniler Çağı’nda Šalatiwar Şehrinin Ticari Önemi

Abdurrahman Savaş, A Comparative Study of Hittite, Roman, Islamic and Jewish Laws

Diether Schürr, Lykische Orte und ihre Namen: drei Namentypen

Fatma Sevinç Erbaşı, Hitit Döneminde Bir Kült Objesi Olarak Sunak

Andrey Shatskov, The Hittite Imperfectives in anna-/i-

Vladimir Shelestin, The Foreign Policy of Late Old Hittite Kingdom: the Case of Ammuna

Andrey Sideltsev, Two Origin of Hittite Right Dislocation

Zsolt Simon, Der phonetische Wert der luwischen Laryngale

Itamar Singer, The Distinctiveness of the Historical Introductions of Hittite State Treaties

Özlem Sir Gavaz, Hitit Krallari’nin Merasim Gezilerinin Genel Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Aygül Süel, Tarhunnaradu/Tarhundaradu in the Ortaköy Texts

Mustafa Süel, Şapinuva-Ağılönü Kutsal Alanının Hitit Dünyasındakı Yeri

Piotr Taracha, Tuthaliya I Redivivus

Annette Teffeteller, Argument Structure and Adjunction in Anatolian Syntax

Krzysztof Ulanowski, King’s Divinity: Comparison between Mesopotamian and Hittite Tradition

Sylvie Vanséveren, Hittite kartim(m)iya-: réflexions sur le vocabulaire de la colère en hittite

Willemijn Waal, Changing Fate. Hittite Gulš-/Gul-š-, Dgulšeš/DGUL-šeš, Cuneiform Luwian gulzā(i)- / Gul-zā(i)-, Hieroglyphic Luwian REL-za- and the Kuwanšeš Deities

Kazuhiko Yoshida Hittite hu-it-ti-it-ti

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