2014. november 1., szombat


Salvatore Gaspa, Alessandro Greco, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Simonetta Ponchia and Robert Rollinger (eds.): From Source to History: Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond. Dedicated to Giovanni Battista Lanfranchi on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday on June 23, 2014. AOAT 412. Münster

A tartalom:

Tzvi Abusch: Notes on the History of Composition of Two Incantations 

Sanna Aro: The Relief on the Slab NKL 2 at Karatepe-Azatiwataya: Neo-Assyrian Impact in Cilicia?

Ariel M. Bagg: Hezekiah’s Jerusalem: Nineveh in Judah? 

Nicoletta Bellotto: I contratti palāhum ad Emar 

Reinhold Bichler: Semiramis and her Rivals. An Essay 

Maria Giovanna Biga: The Marriage of an Eblaite Princess with the King of Dulu 

Olivier Casabonne: Karmylessos : une Lycie chimérique ? 

Eleonora Cussini: Predial Servitudes and Easements in Aramaic Documents of Sale

Rocío Da Riva: Assyrians and Assyrian Influence in Babylonia (626–539 BCE) 

Stefano de Martino: The Hurrian “Song of Release”: an Up-to-Date Overview 

Elena di Filippo Balestrazz: Il mostro “anguipede” e il “dio in battello” nelle stele felsinee. Una proposta di lettura 

Betina Faist: The Ordeal in the Neo-Assyrian Legal Procedure 

Frederick Mario Fales: The Two Dynasties of Assyria 

Sebastian Fink: Sardanapal – Ein Hedonist aus Mesopotamien? 

Massimo Forlanini: The Survival of Dynastic Traditions of Bronze Age Anatolia During the Transition to the Iron Age: the Case of Halpa-šulubi and the Historical Connections Between Išuwa and Milidia 

Salvatore Gaspa: Golden Appliqués in Assyrian Textiles: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Neo-Assyrian Evidence and Some Remarks on the Use of Dress Decorations in the Periphery of the Empire in Later Times 

Alessandro Greco: The Art of Propaganda in Aegean Iconography: When Art Must Be Sung 

Bruno Jacobs: Historische Aussagen in den Achämenideninschriften im Licht sich wandelnder Legitimationsstrategien 

Martin Lang: Assyrien im 7. Jahrhundert und die Literarische Produktion in der Levante und der Ägäis 

Mario Liverani: The King and His Audience 

Paolo Matthiae: Image, Ideology, and Politics: a Historical Consideration of the Message of Neo-Assyrian Reliefs

Raija Mattila: The Chief of Trade and the Chief Tailor – New Eponyms During the Reign of Assurbanipal 

Mischa Meier: Feuer über Konstantinopel: vom Umgang mit einem Nicht-Ereignis 

Clelia Mora: Symbols of Power in the Kingdom of Karkamiš (13th–12th Centuries BC) 

Daniele Morandi Bonacossi: River Navigation and Transport in Northern Assyria. The Stone Quay-walls of the Rivers Gomel and Al-khazir in the Navkur Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan 

Antonio Panaino: Daniel the “Magus” and the Magi of Bethlehem

Simo Parpola: Mount Niṣir and the Foundations of the Assyrian Church 

Francesco Pomponio: Alcune considerazioni sul cosiddetto periodo di Isin-Larsa 

Simonetta Ponchia: The Neo-Assyrian Adê Protocol and the Administration of the Empire 

Beate Pongratz-Leisten: Bad Kings in the Literary History of Mesopotamia and the Interface between Law, Divination, and Religion 

Claudia Posani: La diffusione del culto di Kubaba in epoca neo‒assira 

Daniel Potts: Guriania, γουράνιoι and the Gūrān 

Karen Radner: Zagros Spice Mills: the Simurrean and the Hašimur Grindstones 

Julian Reade – Irving Finkel: Between Carchemish and Pasargadae: Recent Iranian Discoveries at Rabat

Robert Rollinger: Aornos and the Mountains of the East: the Assyrian Kings and Alexander the Great 

Kai Ruffing: Der Reichtum Babyloniens 

Paolo Scarpi: La divina auctoritas di Ermete Trismegisto: per una nuova religione di tolleranza 

Gebhard J. Selz: Plant Metaphors: on the Plant of Rejuvenation 

Christopher J. Tuplin: From Arshama to Alexander. Reflections on Persian Responses to Attack 

Erik van Dongen: The Extent and Interactions of the Phrygian Kingdom 

Lorenzo Verderame: A Glimpse into the Activities of Experts (Ummânu) at the Assyrian Royal Court 

Josef Wiesehöfer: Alfred von Gutschmid und Eberhard Schrader: eine Kontroverse 

Anne-Maria Wittke: Überlegungen zur Lage von Pteria 

Stefan Zawadzki: Depicting Hostile Rulers in the Neo-Assyrian Royal Inscriptions 

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